
This is our kids kayak, with a 40 hour assembly time and weighs 26/5 pounds. The hull is two panels and deck is two panels over tab inserted bulkheads. The concept of this kayak is to have a durable kids kayak that is fast to assemble and able to provide enjoyable paddling for kids or youth. This kayak is a great project for parents and kids to have a hands experience building and ending up with a finished product. The kit is complete with CNC cut panels, bulkheads, epoxy, varnish, fiberglass and deck hardware.

A Kayak designed and built with kids in mind! (Formerly, known as the Wanaao 12)

Length: 11' 10"

Beam: 21-1/2"

Deck Height: 11-1/2"

Weight: 26-1/2 lbs

Max Capacity: 150 lbs

